Watch a screen share video of this process with verbal instructions (time stamp 1:14) 

Draft saved Close Content Metadata Configure Show Split View Preview Draft Text Block Content Any content for a traditional page Edit— Format— Insert— Table— View— Tools— Formats— This is a new link Verdana llpt Insert/edit link Phase I of SOAR begins fall semester 2021. There are two ways to get involved. Option one Apply for a CAFE Faculty Fellow position to work with Dr. Alexis Petri to design the full SOAR program modeled after the University of Utah CATS program. The CATS matrix mentoring model is a holistic framework that includes 5 levels of mentorship: self, senior, scientific, staff, and peer. While CATS focuses on clinical and translational science and biomedical research, UMKC's SOAR will expand the model to include all disciplines at UMKC. Ultimately, SOAR will be something organic to UMKC while still rooted in a model with evidence-based success. Source: Byington, C. L. , Keenan, H. , Phillips, J. D. , Childs, R. , Wachs, E. , Berzins, M. A. , & Clark, E. B. (2016). A matrix mentoring model that effectively supports clinical and translational scientists and increases inclusion in biomedical research: lessons from the University of Utah. Academic Medicine, 91(4), 497. Option two Participate in the Art of Grantsmanship fall 2021 and compete to earn a course release or small grant for spring 2022. Facilitated by Dr. Alexis Petri.  

2.) Select whether your link is Internal or External*  

Draft saved Close Content Metadata Configure Text Block Content Any content for a traditional page Edit* Format* This is a new link Insert* Table— View— Tools— Forma Phase 1 of SOAR begins fall semester 2021. There are two Option one Apply for a CAFE Faculty Fellow position to work with Dr. mentoring model is a holistic framework that includes 5 le While CATS focuses on clinical and translational science an something organic to IJMKC while still rooted in a model wi Source: Byington, C. L. , Keenan, H. , Phillips, J. D. , Childs, translational scientists and increases inclusion in biomedic Option two Insert link Link Type Link Source Anchor Title Target Styling Internal External Choose File, Page, or Link None CSS Classes blockquote-author drop-cap embed-container Ctrl/Cmd + click to select multiple formats Ok Cancel iversity of Utah CATS program. clude all disciplines at UMKC. Ulti mentoring model that effectively •ne, 91(4), 497. ALPart1cipateintheArtof Grantsmanship fa112021andcompetetoearnacoursereleaseorsmall grantforspring 2022.Facilitated byDr.AlexisPe *Internal links refer to any page that exists within your website. External links are any links that exist outside of your website (even if the page is on another UMKC website).  

3.) For External Links: Copy and paste the URL into the 'Link Source' space.  

Internal https:// None External •ma two an el wi ilds, edic Insert link Link Type Link Source Anchor Title Target Styling CSS Classes blockquote-author drop-cap embed-container Ctrl/Cmd + click to select multiple formats Ok x Cancel niv clu me in  

4.) For Internal links AND Documents: Select the 'Choose File, Page, or Link' button. Select 'Browse' on the right hand navigation that appears to browse your site for your desired page.  


For Documents, 'Browse' your site and open the 'Docs' folder, then find your document.  


Once you've found the page or document you want, select it and then select 'Choose' in the top right corner of the right-hand navigation. 


Example of selecting an Internal page for a new link: 

Choose a file, page, or link Cancel Recent Starred Browse with a 2nts Insert link Link Type Link Source Anchor Title Target Choose o" Internal External Choose File, Page, or Link None CSS Classes blockquote-author drop-cap embed-container Ctrl/Cmd + click to select multiple formats x Cancel AD - CAFE - wwwcafe Search Format Styling are two th Dr. A les 5 le ence and biomedical research, UMKC's SOAR will expand the model t 10del with evidence-based success. Childs R. Wachs E. Berzins M. A. & Clark E. B. 2016 . A ma AD - CAFE - wwwcafe / research-and-creativity Asset Research and Creativity (O Faculty Writing Initiative Title/DispIay Name Faculty Writing Initiative Path research-and-creativity/faculty-writing-initiative Created Jul 13 9:42 AM  

Example of selecting the Docs folder to browse documents for a new link:  

Choose a file, page, or link Cancel Insert link Link Type Link Source Anchor Title Target Styling x Recent AD - CAFE Starred - wwwcafe Browse Internal External Choose File, Page, or Link None CSS Classes blockquote-author drop-cap embed-container Ctr//Cmd + click to select multiple formats Asset AD - CAFE - wwwcafe cascade files Docs Search step 1 Choose Browse Cancel nd biomedical research, UMKC's SOAR will expand the model t lith evidence-based success. , R. , Wachs, E. , Berzins, M. A, Faculty Life and Leadership . & Clark, E. B. (2016). A ma  

5.) For both Internal and External links: Once you have your 'Link Source' in place, you will select 'Ok'. Congratulations! You have added a link to your text block.