Submitting your page is like hitting the manual save button on your work. Your drafts are auto-saved as you work, but your colleagues cannot see your drafts. When you submit your draft, you are making your changes live in Cascade, and your colleagues can see and comment on the changes. Your changes are not yet live on your site after submitting, but you are one step closer. You must submit a page before you publish, you cannot publish drafts.

1.) Once you have previewed your draft (see previous page) and are happy with your changes, find and select the blue 'Submit' button located next to the 'Edit' button. Find and select the option to 'Check content and Submit'. 

SITE CONTENT Links Menus Posts Profiles Research and Creativity Faculty Writing Initiative Research and Creativity Research Scholarship a... SOAR Teaching Writing and R... Teaching Writing Intens... University Writing and . Service and Engagement Add Content Draft v AD - CAFE - Site Content Manage Site Submit Discard My Content Search E as Molly Mead V Edit Comments O Details ••• More Output: HTML V Comment on the changes you made. Enter comments Submit now or perform guided content c K.' and the CDC. UNIVERGIT Submit UMKC Teaching and Learning Check Content & Submit Advancing Faculty Excellence Service and Engagement Research and Creativity Faculty Life and Leadership About Us  

2.) Cascade will crawl the page for spelling errors, broken links, and accessibility errors. If there are errors that need to be fixed, you can do so in the pop-up window that appears. Once any errors have been addressed, select the blue check mark button in the top right corner to complete your submission.   

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