The Sidebar is an internal navigation block that can be used on any page with a text block. The Sidebar is created as a block, separate from the page itself, so it can be attached to several pages and remain consistent. Sidebar links are always to internal pages, with the exception of the optional 'Call to Action Button' available at the bottom of the Sidebar. Do not place external links in the Sidebar's main Navigation Items. Additionally, do not place links to documents in the Sidebar's Navigation Items . Sidebars link to web pages only.
To edit a sidebar:
1.) Locate the 'Menus' folder in the left-hand folder navigation and select, then select and open the 'Sidebars' folder. Find the Sidebar you need to change and select. In the example below I am going to edit the 'teaching-and-learning' Sidebar.
2.) As with the Middle Footer, Sidebars are a Cascade 'block', so they do not have an active live preview as pages in Cascade do. You will need to make your edits, submit, and then view your changes on a page where the sidebar is implemented. To begin changing the Sidebar, select the 'Edit' button.
3.) You will first see a section labeled 'Secondary Nav Header'. This should be the section title for the Sidebar and should link to the top nav Landing Page (this will also more than likely be the folder name that corresponds to the top navigation landing page).
This acts as an anchor for your user, so whichever page they navigate to using your Sidebar, they can still make their way back to the main section Landing Page whenever they need. You will more than likely never need to update this title and link. It is also important to remember that changing the Sidebar changes it on every page that uses it.
4.) To update the links, select the accordion labeled 'Navigation Item' with the link you wish to change. In this example image, 'Adjunct Resources' has been selected.
5.) Select the 'X' symbol on the 'Navigation Item Link' to clear the current link. Then, select 'Choose File, Page or Link' to open the right hand site navigator. You can then either use your 'Recent' or 'Browse' tab to find the new page link for your Navigation Item. When you have found the page, select 'Choose' in the top right hand corner.
6.) Update the 'Navigation Item Text' to reflect the link change. This is the text that will appear in your page Sidebar, so it is best practice to match this title with the new link's page name.
7.) Select 'Preview the Draft', then 'Submit'. As a reminder, you will need to view a page with that is implementing this Sidebar after you have Submitted the change to see the update.