The Photo Nav is a content row that includes photos, links, and brief text. It is a good place to list resources, programs, etc. It is recommended that you place no more than 5 photo nav items on a page in a row to keep the page from being too long. The web team generally places 4 or fewer photo nav items on a page when using this content row. 

Adding/Editing the Photo Nav

Step One

If you are editing an existing Photo Nav, select 'Edit' on your landing page, then find the drop down labeled 'select-photo-nav'. Select the drop down to open the content row. 

To add a new Photo Nav row, select the green plus symbol of the content row you wish to place your new photo nav underneath. Cascade will refresh, and you will see a new Content Row with a blank value field. 

Select the drop down labeled 'Select value...' and find and select the 'Photo Nav' option. 

From here, you can begin adding/editing your content. 

Step Two

Add/edit your 'Headline' and 'Subtext' for your photo nav. This should be concise and clear text, written in plain language. 

Step Three

Next, you will fill out the 'Descriptive Navigation' section. This is the content that will appear in the photo nav items. Please note, at this point the images you wish to use will already need to have been uploaded to your site's 'Images' folder

Give your item a 'Descriptive Navigation Header', and then use the 'Choose File' button underneath the 'Description Navigation Image' to open the right hand fly out menu. You can then navigate to your site's 'Images' folder to find your desired image. 

You will also need to give this image an 'Alt Tag'. The alt tag should be a brief description of the image, used for accessibility. The tag will not appear directly on your page, but will be used by site readers. 

Step Four

Next, you will add 'Descriptive Navigation Content'. This brief, further subtext for the navigation item. 

Step Five

Add and label your 'Descriptive Navigation Button Link'. Select the button labeled 'Choose File, Page or Link' to open the right hand fly out menu and browse your site for your desired link.

While this will more than likely be an internal link within your site, you may wish to use an external link here. You will need to have already added the external link to your site's 'Links' folder to use an external link in the Photo Nav. 

You will also give the link a title in the 'Descriptive Navigation Button Text' field. This button text should generally be a call-to-action, i.e. 'Learn More', 'Explore the *link*', etc. 

Step Six

To add another navigation item, select the green plus sign at the top of the 'Descriptive Navigation' drop-down. Cascade will refresh, and as you scroll you will see a blank 'Descriptive Navigation' drop-down underneath your first filled nav item. 

You will then repeat steps 2-5 to fill out your second nav item. You can use the green plus sign to add more items, the red x to delete items, and the up and down arrows to rearrange existing items at any time. 

Step Seven

Once you are done with your Photo Nav, follow the steps to preview the draft, submit, and publish.