The Box Grid uses text and links, with no photos or icons. It requires at least three, but no more than four links to be added to a page. This row is used for resources and/or navigation.
Adding/Editing the Box Grid
Step One
Add a new content row and in the 'Select value...' drop-down select Box Grid, or to edit, find the content row labeled 'select-box-grid' and select to open.
Step Two
Add a title for your Box Grid in the 'Featured Content Grid Header' field. Next, you will choose whether or not you would like to add a pre-existing Sidebar to your Box Grid. If you toggle the 'Featured Content Grid Sidebar' to 'Yes', you will need to use the right hand fly out menu to navigate to your site's 'Menus' folder. You can then choose the Sidebar block you would like to add.
You can also choose whether or not add an optional additional link to your Box Grid. You can toggle the 'Optional Grid Box' to 'Top' or 'Bottom' to place an additional link in your Box Grid if desired.
Step Three
Add content to your Grid Boxes. In the 'Grid Box X Text' field, add a one-line description of the link. Then, use the 'Choose file, page or link' button to open the right hand fly out menu and select the page, file, or external link you would like to use.
Finally, add a call-to-action in the 'Grid Box X Button Text' field, i.e. 'Learn More', Explore the...' etc.
Step Four
Add content to all of the Grid Boxes (at least three, and four if you have included the optional additional Grid Box). You will then follow the steps to preview the draft, submit, and publish.